tonyc5 said... Do visit Shantytown. A wonderful collection feature bygone times. Like many tourism businesses on the Coast, Shantytown is struggling through covid restrictions affecting their income, and it does have an effect on how they operate. A skeleton crew of staff, and I guess a number of volunteers, keep this ticking along in difficult times. There is a vintage train ride through the bush to the sawmill, and you can have a crack at panning for gold (guaranteed that there is some to find in your pan!). Behind the stables is a walk through the bush up the hill, it takes a little longer due to track wash-outs (so there is an alternative track). Well worth the effort, the bush walk is beautiful and great for some time out. Try out the longdrop and the stocks! A look through the hospital gives a wonderful appreciation of modern medicine! Accessible steam engines for the enthusiasts - currently not running because of the high cost of coal combined with lack of income (covid again), but a diesel engine is still operating. An enjoyable few hours spent here.