Experience the magic of Whenuakura (Donut) Island as you paddle through the entrance and into the stunning turquoise lagoon!
Join our experienced guides on a kayaking adventure that will take you into the stunning Whenuakura Island or Donut Island.
After a safety briefing, you will paddle from the beach approximately 30 minutes to a cave-like entrance that opens up into a beautiful lagoon surrounded by native fauna in the centre of the island.
Enjoy the views of unspoiled nature from your kayak as the island is a Wild Life Sanctuary that is off-limits to people landing on it.
We then head towards Hauturu Island to enjoy a cup of Kawakawa tea and visit some more locations of interest before heading back to shore. Your guide will be on hand to share their local knowledge and ensure the safety of all participants.
All prices are shown in NZD ($)
Hi Michael! Thanks for your review. Whenuakura Island is a quite exposed to winds and swells, which means that sometimes conditions are hard to navigate. Guides do their best to keep everyone safe and comfortable during their paddle. On our website, ideal conditions for the tour are state and customers can do their own due diligence and decide if they are conformable with the day`s conditions. We are very flexible on changing dates and times to suit each visitor`s experience. Just to be clear, we do not go over 16ppl per slot. I just looked back into your session and we did have 16 in total, so it was a large group but not larger than what our policies state. We feel sorry about how your experience went , but looking at the bright side, you git to experience this magical place that many visitors leave NZ without getting to visit. Knd regards, SurfSup management
The Tour was a wonderful experience! We were only 5 people, had a really good guide who told us very interesting things about the Maori Background of the Island and was aware of everybodys needs and safety in a very friendly and unobtrusive way. My first time in a Kajak but definitely not my last, but I think people with Kajaking experience will also enjoy the Tour into the Island! Would always do it again!
Amazing experience.
The experience was great, we had fun and a beautiful day
Thanks guys!! We are glad you have enjoyed it!!
We had a lovely paddle with Mauro who was a super guide! Thank you!
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tacmichi from Germany wrote on 18 March 2025
Sehr Wetter-abhängig
Ich habe die Kayak-tour an einem sonnig warmen Tag gemacht, doch die Tour geht über die "offene" See und diese war recht rau an dem Tag. Die Gruppengröße ist mit 20+ Personen recht groß und so war schon die Einführung mehr ein Schreien, damit alle es hören. Der Start vom Strand, gegen die Wellen fiel einigen, inkl. mir schwer und wir kippten um. Dementsprechend war die restliche Fahrt mehr als angespannt. Durch platschendes Wasser der Wellen in den Augen habe ich meist nichts gesehen. Das Highlight "Donut Island" war durch die hohen Wellen und den felsigen Eingang gefährlich, daher wurden wir in kleinen Gruppen rein gelassen. Innen angekommen hieß es wegen den Wellen nur "Position halten" kaum Möglichkeit die Umgebung zu genießen, oder Fotos zu machen, bei dem Versuch wurde ich angeschrien. Das hat sich null gelohnt. Auch wenn es unangenehm war, muss man aber positiv erwähnen, dass die Guides hierbei allzeit auf die Sicherheit aller aus waren. Aus der Höhle raus mussten wir dann 15-20min auf den Wellen warten, bis alle ein mal in der Insel waren - ich wurde Seekrank. Bei ruhiger See mag diese Tour durchaus toll sein, aber ich hatte leider ein enttäuschendes Erlebnis.