This dry caving adventure while surprisingly gentle is an elating experience not to be missed! Just ask Tom Cruise - he's done it 4 times!
Your journey to another world begins with an abseil 100m below the earth's surface secured by your guide who descends alongside you.
Slowly you lower into the void, turning on the rope like a spider as the world transforms around you. The light filtering through the mist gives unearthly qualities to the unusual plant life and formations of the cave.
The cavern you have abseiled (rappelled) into is over twice the height of any other cave in Waitomo and it's beauty and grandeur are unsurpassed.
From here you embark on a subterranean adventure back to the surface through another giant cavern. You'll see glow worms, huge limestone formations and conquer a 30-metre long ladder climb.
Waitomo Adventures are a consistent Certificate of Excellence Winner with Trip Advisor and are ranked the number 1 attraction in the area with a 5-star rating - Come and see for yourself why this is a must-do attraction in an experience that will remain with you forever.
Photography: Personalised photos are provided to clients via the internet at no extra charge. No client photography equipment is permitted. Please inquire if you require a private photography tour.
Location: 1227 Waitomo Valley Road, Waitomo
Fitness Test:If the guide(s) on the day have any doubt about a client’s fitness they may ask them to prove it by completing a fitness-test. One quick and simple test we may use is “to step up and down a 20 cm (8 inches) step not less than 45 times in 60 seconds”. We strongly recommend clients complete this test before they book their activity and before they travel to Waitomo. Clients may also be requested to submit to breath-testing for alcohol or other drugs. Where appropriate, guides may at their sole discretion cancel a departure or remove an unsuitable client from a departing trip for any safety-related reason.
Pregnancy: We do not recommend abseiling (rappelling) during the 1st and 3rd trimester due to the need to wear a tight-fitting harness across your waist during the abseil.
All pregnant clients wishing to participate in one of our adventure options must provide a medical certificate from their General Medical Practitioner confirming that they are fit for abseiling (rappelling) and caving.
This policy is required for us to comply with the NZ Adventure Safety Regulations.
All prices are shown in NZD ($)
한번은 꼭 가볼만합니다 꼭 예약후 할인 받아서 다녀오세요
참가하기 전부터 기대를 많이했었습니다. 원래 기대가 높으면 실망도 많다고 하지만 이번 경험은 실망이 전혀 없이 오히려 행복한 경험이었습니다. 가이드도 안전에 치중해 주면서 자세히, 친절히 설명해 주고 너무 즐거운 시간을 보냈습니다. 동굴 안의 시간이 너무 짧게만 느껴질정도로 경이롭게 놀라운 시간은 정말 잊지 못할것입니다.
The Lost World Tour was fantastic. Our guide, Amy, was great. I highly recommend this experiance.
Thanks very much Lisa ! We appreciate your support and the fact that you could come all this way and check out our special corner of New Zealand. Happy Travels !
Wat a great experience , great staff guidance, magic pictures
Thanks very much Karen!! Being New Zealanders we love Sailing and being Cavers we especially love Abseiling. But most of all we love people like you to come sailing with us :) Wishing you all the very best for smooth sailing and happy adventuring :)
Copyright © 2025 Bookme Limited.
Mihee Jeon from South Korea wrote on 27 September 2017
평생 잊지 못할 엑티비티!
처음엔 엑티비티 가격도 비싸고 와이토모까지 이동하는 비용도 비싸서 망설였지만 안하면 후회할뻔했어요. 어디서도 하지 못할 경험이고 모든것이 처음해보고 신기한 기분이였어요. 하지만 약간의 체력을 요합니다. 안전장비들이 제법 무겁고 그것을 착용한채로 동굴을 탐험해요. 동굴은 바위를 오르고 뛰어내리는등 활동이 필요합니다. 나갈때는 아주 긴 사다리를 타고 계속 올라가야해요. 이 모든걸 감수하더라도 꼭 추천합니다! 꼭 하세요!