Waitomo's most concentrated action includes abseils (often in waterfalls), rock climbs, unique limestone formations and get up close to glowworms while exploring this fantastic cave system.
Are you up for Waitomo's most intense Action Adventure?
Haggas Honking Holes is fast-paced and packed with excitement and adventure.
This caving expedition packs a lot into only four hours - you'll encounter abseils (often in waterfalls), rock climbs, unique limestone formations and get up close to glowworms while exploring this fantastic cave system.
No prior experience is necessary. Participants should, however, be moderately fit and brave.
There's no swimming required but you're definitely going to get wet! This is a great winter trip, the cave never floods!
Waitomo Adventures are a consistent Certificate of Excellence Winner with Trip Advisor and are ranked the number 1 attraction in the area with a 5-star rating - Come and see for yourself why this is a must-do attraction in an experience that will remain with you forever
Photography: FREE photos are provided to clients via the internet. No client photography equipment is permitted.
Location:1227 Waitomo Valley Road, Waitomo
Fitness Test:If the guide(s) on the day have any doubt about a client’s fitness they may ask them to prove it by completing a fitness-test. One quick and simple test we may use is “to step up and down a 20 cm (8 inches) step not less than 45 times in 60 seconds”. We strongly recommend clients complete this test before they book their activity and before they travel to Waitomo. Clients may also be requested to submit to breath-testing for alcohol or other drugs. Where appropriate, guides may at their sole discretion cancel a departure or remove an unsuitable client from a departing trip for any safety-related reason.
Pregnancy: We do not recommend abseiling ( rappelling ) during the 1st and 3rd trimester due to the need to wear a tight-fitting harness across your waist during the abseil.
All pregnant clients wishing to participate in one of our adventure options must provide a medical certificate from their General Medical Practitioner confirming that they are fit for abseiling ( rappelling ) and caving.
This policy is required for us to comply with the NZ Adventure Safety Regulations.
All prices are shown in NZD ($)
It is in the top 10 adventures I have done throughout my travels. The professionalism of the tour group was impressive and our guide Joel was very informative about the Glowworms, caving and the area. Just do it, you will love it! Thanks Judy
Thanks so much Judy ! Yes indeed - we reckon the Haggas Honking Holes is the most concentrated action packed caving trip you can do in New Zealand. So well done for taking it on :)
Awesome guides, great experience, thank you so much!
Thanks very much Petra! Feel free to "drop In" again anytime :)
Thank you Joel for being an amazing guide! Not only did he waited for us as we got lost and started the tour late, he was also really knowledgeable and shared so much information about the caves with us! He was also really encouraging, helpful and so fun to talk to :) Thank you Joel for ensuring we have the best time and we highly recommend this activity !!
Thank YOU Joy for your lovely review - which is much appreciated :) And congratulations for taking on this dramatic adventure - you can be very proud of yourselves !
Perfect activity and Scott, our guide, was very informative
Hey Hugo ! Merci Beaucoups! You were the perfect sort of person to get the most from this adventure. We're so glad you could come and enjoy this special cave with us. Bon voyage!
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Haonan from China wrote on 05 November 2018
Waitomo Adventures - Haggas Honking Holes!
It was an amazing journey with Chris and Brad. The tour includes 4hours traveling and complimentary drinks underground. We set off at 1500 and firstly two abseiling downfalls. Then jumped down to the complete darkness of the cave. We saw a lot of glow worms shining down there and many geological structures, echo-rock, stalactite and stalagmite. Chris introduces a lot about the formation of such structures and guided us to see many fossils. We also did rock climbing way back to the ground. Nice one ! 和Chris和Brad的精彩旅程,一共4个小时。我们下午三点出发,先是两个20m的滑降到洞底,这个环节涉及到瀑布,小心会被打湿(穿的是冲浪的保暖服,不会特别冷)。到了洞底,沿着暗路,探索整个涵洞,有钟乳石,石笋,化石,回声石。当然,最重要的是萤火虫。这些萤火虫,其实是蜉蝣的幼虫,他们生长在洞里,制作粘性垂丝,身体发出光亮,吸引猎物。成虫为蜉蝣,无嘴无肛,不进食,短暂生命,尽欲后产卵,死去。哈哈哈 科普的太多了。 重回地面的路上,我们一起攀岩回到地面。 ⚠️项目持续时间较长,请在换衣服的时候自行解决厕所问题。 防水服和胶鞋,他们提供,请挑选合适的尺码;自备长棉袜和泳裤。回来后一定要先洗澡,记得带沐浴露和换的干衣服。