Experience Wairakei Terraces hot pools - a geothermal wonderland with healing and curing properties and one of New Zealand's premier geothermal locations...
Come and revitalize your mind, body and soul at Wairakei Terraces hot pools - A geothermal wonderland located at the heart of the North Island.
Maori have bathed in the waters of Wairakei for generations and its healing and therapeutic benefits are now receiving worldwide acclaim in the field of natural holistic therapies.
The waters, rich in silica, sulphate, magnesium, potassium and a whole host of other valuable minerals, can assist with a whole array of health ailments. Positioned underneath the silica terraces and a beautiful waterfall, the pools dazzling blue waters provide the perfect surroundings for the ultimate in rest and relaxation.
Let life's daily stresses run free from your mind as you bath and hear the melodic calls of native birds in their natural setting of beautiful cascading water's, breathtaking gushing geyser's and billowing steam's. Come and experience for yourself Wairakei's remarkable healing and curing properties at one of New Zealand's premier geothermal locations.
POOLS ARE ADULT ONLY-14 years and over
All prices are shown in NZD ($)
노천 온천 좋아요.
전날 통가리로에서 알파인 크로싱하고 몸을 풀려고 아침부터 온천으로 출발..bookme에서 50%할인 받아서 더 좋았습니다..저는 날씨가 흐리고 바람이 살짝 부는날이라 온천하기에 더 없이 좋았습니다. 온천을 좋아하시는 분이라면 꼭! 가세요..완전추천!!!
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croni from South Korea wrote on 21 March 2025
온천물 좋고 20-30대 청년들이 많이 찾는 곳 같아요
다른 온천들과 다르게 실외에 잘 꾸며져 있습니다. 락커룸을 대여할 수도 있지만 탈의실에서 환복 후 가방을 가지고 들어가 둘 수 있는 곳이 있어요. 온천하고 몸이 매끈해지는게 기분 좋네요. 나오면서 카페테리아에서 커피 한잔 마실수 있습니다. 타올은 따로 챙겨가야 합니다~(타올도 대여가능) 경치가 예뻐서 그런지 사진 찍는분들도 많더라구요.