Experience New Zealand’s world-famous Thermal Wonderland with this convenient and hassle-free package!
Wai-O-Tapu is home to New Zealand’s most spectacular showcase of geothermal activity!
New Zealand’s most diverse and extensive collection of geothermal attractions, Wai-O-tapu boasts a range of breathtaking 'must see' natural wonders and is the ultimate way to experience the breathtaking beauty of Rotorua's unique and fascinating geothermal system.
Wai-O-Tapu is perfect for the whole family and is suitable for all levels of ability, offering a range of differing walking tracks each showcasing stunning geothermal sights.
Departing your central Rotorua accommodation 8.00am or 1pm, your friendly local driver will take you to Wai-O-Tapu where you will have 4 hours to explore as you please before meeting your driver back at 12.30pm (Morning option) & 5.30pm (Afternoon option)
If you select the morning option, be sure to be at the Lady Knox Geyser at 10.15am to witness her breathtaking daily eruption! - You’ll definitely want to have your camera at the ready for this! Please note that the Lady Knox Geyser only erupts in the morning and will not be avaliable to view if you book for the afternoon option.
A remarkable experience that will be loved by the whole family and remembered for a lifetime!
Pickup and drop off from Rotorua CBD (5 km radius of I Site).
Contact AHT Driver for pickups outside this area. Contact number provided in your booking confirmation
All prices are shown in NZD ($)
Thank you Hung from Taiwan Glad to be of service to you and your friend. Have a safe trip home. Geoff
對於沒有開車自駕的人來說,參加這一類的行程真是太方便了!Wai-O-Tapu 附近搭公共交通不易抵達,本身門票也不便宜,但非常值得一遊!整個地熱公園分成好幾條路線,我們全部都有走完哦~地熱景觀十分壯觀(那個噴泉秀倒是還好==有點虛) 此行一大亮點是導遊兼司機人很好,因為當天報名人數少,是開他自己的私家車接送。沿路上講解很詳細,他說他曾經待過台灣六年,我們聊了很多關於台灣的事。到了景點他會在車上等你,本來覺得有點失落(原本期待講解)但後來反而覺得這樣子挺好,比較不會有壓力,可以享受自己拍照看風景的時光,只要在集合時間回到車上即可。 附近的紅樹林景點也超棒的,(未含在行程內,是我下午自己去的),搭配早上的Wai-O-Tapu剛好排滿一天,完美!
Thank you Yang. Have a safe Holiday and flight back home.
Thank you Yu. Have a safe trip home Geoff
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wai-o-tapu步道分三条分别是红线,橙线和黄线,时长从30分钟到一个小时不等,景色很棒,颜色很梦幻,唯一可惜的就是天气不太给力,多彩的地热世界再加上蓝天白云就无敌了,长白云之乡怎么能蓝天白云呢,好可惜! lady knox geyser每天10:20如期喷发,但事实是工作人员加入了某种特殊物质产生的化学反应,无论是什么,结果是令人惊叹的,游客也是我在北岛见到最多的一个地方! 旅程很棒,接送也非常及时!谢谢!一定会推荐给亲朋好友!
KIa ora Xing. Glad you enjoyed your visit to Waiotapu. It was a pleasure serving you. Enjoy your visit to NZ and have a safe flight home. Geoff
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Hung from Taiwan wrote on 04 March 2019
Worth of doing it!
旅遊公司安排的行程很緊湊,完全沒浪費時間,雖然只有半天行程,感覺過得很充實。Thanks for Arden travel.