Leave the driving to the pros and experience Fiordland from this cruisey coach and catamaran combo!
Treat yourself to a feast of Fiordland fun with this all-inclusive day tour to magical Milford Sound from Queenstown or Te Anau.
Climb aboard a comfortable touring coach with a fabulously friendly guide at the wheel, and enjoy the journey of a lifetime.
After travelling through rural Southland for two hours, you arrive at the township of Te Anau, or the ''Gateway to Fiordland''.
Choose to spend your rest break fueling up on coffee, taking a quick stroll to the lake, or simply stretching the legs before the journey truly begins.
The coach takes you deep into the heart of the National Park, travelling through glacier carved valleys, ancient rainforest, impressive alpine passes and much more!
Our experienced drivers share their insightful commentary throughout the journey, disclosing the local secrets of this World Heritage Area.
Plenty of stops are made along the way allowing you to soak up the scenery through splendid short walks, and magnificent photo ops sure to be the envy of your pals!
On arrival at mighty Milford Sound, join Pure Milford’s jolly crew aboard a purpose-built catamaran for a scenic cruise through the Fiordland's jewel in the crown.
Sail back in time as you pass ancient rainforest, hanging cliffs and towering waterfalls.
Choose to soak up the scenery and spot local wildlife from the spacious interior, the vast viewing decks or the spectacular sun deck up top. We've got your cruise comfort covered!
Enjoy complimentary tea and coffee with your included lunch, before experiencing the fitting finale as the boat noses close to Stirling Falls!
Commentary is provided through the cruise from our super Skippers, and the best atmosphere in Milford is guaranteed with our famously friendly crew!
All prices are shown in NZD ($)
雖然出發當天上午天氣不佳(下著雨又冷) 但整個行程還是別有一番風味的 該停的點都有停下讓我們拍照 車上的講解也算ok 到達Milford Sound時當地的天氣是陰天遠處可以看到一點點的藍天 算是很幸運的(雖然沒有看到海豚) 另外船長很幽默風趣 船上午餐我個人覺得是足夠的 所以Jucy給我的印象算是很好的.
选择Jucy Cruise一日游,去程的路上司机兼Coach很风趣,会介绍路上的风景和游客互动。有天窗的巴士车视野也更开阔,有些景点还会停车给我们拍照时间。路程虽长一路上也不无聊。在车上会让选择午餐口味,别睡觉错过了。 Jucy游船为双层,船上很干净宽敞。我们还幸运的看到了两只海豚在船头追逐。实在是一次难忘的旅行。
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sung min from Taiwan wrote on 20 October 2019
工作人員很熱血,經過瀑布還一起與大家同歡,淋得全身濕噠噠 來紐西蘭一定要感受這大自然鬼斧神工。有時天氣不好會關閉,很幸運的 前幾天道路封閉,到了要玩的當天開通了~