Mystical morning & afternoon half-day expeditions to Glenorchy and Paradise! Discover our incredible storytelling and learn about Maori Mythology. Enjoy our kiwi style morning or afternoon tea.
Prepare to experience a taste of real New Zealand with our authentic expedition to Glenorchy and the Paradise Valley which combines some this region’s finest scenery including the Dart River.
Travel with Queenstown Expeditions into the Heart of this region’s stunning beauty towards Glenorchy, Paradise and Diamond Lake, home to Many movie locations such as “The Lord of The Rings”. Meet and talk to real New Zealand people!
View the amazing scenery through our Luxury vehicle with large viewing windows. The ultimate platform for this half day adventure.
Hear about Maori Mythology from this area with our state-of-the-art storytelling system offering cultural history and stories from a different time and place in New Zealand. Our stories are professionally themed with music sound and voice transporting you to a different place in time.
Taste our kiwi style morning or afternoon tea with a spectacular back drop. Queenstown Expeditions offers an authentic picnic consisting of classic farm style treats.
Allow 4.5 hours return from Central Queenstown for this once in a lifetime half day experience.
You’ll finish this amazing experience with complimentary afternoon tea and refreshments before we take you back to your accommodation feeling refreshed and relaxed with memories to last a lifetime!
All prices are shown in NZD ($)
Thank you for giving us this nice 5 Star review. We are thrilled to read how much you enjoyed your tour and how you really loved Glenorchy and our driver guide Dave. Thank you, from the Team at Queenstown Expeditions:)
1인이라 핫딜로 매우 저렴한 가격에 좋은 여행을 했습니다. 1시 출발하여 시티 돌아오니 6시 20분정도의 반나절 투어, 글레노키까지의 호수가 드라이빙부터 각 scenic spot들을 찍고 농장에서 양털깎기 시연 및 동물 먹이주기 체험까지 하는 구성으로 알찬 구성이에요. 4WD의 큰 차량에 앞쪽 풍경은 모니터로, 천장은 유리창으로, 좌우는 창문으로 즐길 수 있습니다. 왼쪽 자리에 앉는것을 추천합니다. 한국어는 없지만 헤드폰으로 다양한 언어로 설명을 들을 수 있으며 추가로 비는 시간엔 기사님이 설명해주시더라구요. 오는 길에는 앞자리에 태워주셔서 높은 창으로 더 멋진 뷰를 즐길 수 있었어요. 간식과 차도 맛있었습니다.
Glad you enjoyed the trip
Our tour guide Dave was an absolute pleasure and wealth of knowledge about the area and life in New Zealand!
I chose the option to visit Glenorchy and Paradise in the same tour, but in the same bus there were people who were found just Glenorchy. We stoped by Glenorchy first to drop them off, then we headed to Paradise, which is about 20min away. THERE IS NOTHING IN PARADISE. We drove for 20min and stopped in the middle of nowhere, where supposedly Lord of the rings were filmed, but there is nothing to see other than grass and mountains, the same mountains you can see from Glenorchy. We stayed there for 2 min because there was absolutely nothing to do, and drove back to Glenorchy, to spend 30min there. The guys who went only to Glenorchy had a better time than me and I paid double the price just to go see nothing in Paradise. NOT RECOMMENDED!! See photos of the place where we stopped in Paradise:
Our trip to Glenorchy & Paradise was awesome! Magnificent scenery and the guide was very good as well. However, we got to know only before departure that the animal farms were closed during winter. My kids were disappointed for that. But they enjoyed the scenery.
Thank you for giving us this great review, its nice to hear you still enjoyed the tour despite our farm being closed over Winter. Thank you, from the Team at Queenstown Expeditions:)
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sinyeong from South Korea wrote on 12 February 2024
뚜벅이 여행자들에게 강추
*일정 1시에 출발해서 45분 정도 버스타고 가서 뷰포인트 도착해요. 사진 좀 찍고 2시 정도에 글래노키 부둣가? 마을로 가요. 거기서 마을 보는 투어 예약한 사람들 걍 내려주고 애니멀팜 투어 신청한 사람들은 다시 애니멀팜으로 가요. 저희는 딱 2명 뿐이라 프라이빗 투어처럼 갔어요. 애니멀팜에사 먹이 주는 체험은 20분 주는데 진짜 너무 짧아요ㅠㅠ 진짜 아쉬워요ㅠㅠ 양털깎이는 오전에만 하는지 오후에는 못 봤어요 ㅠ 더 아쉬움... 그리고 다음에 티타임 가지고 다이아몬드레이크 쪽을 돌아요. 완전 비포장도로이고 저희는 전날 밀포드사운드를 갔어서 그런지 그닥 감흥은 없었어요. 차라리 애니멀팜 체험을 더 오래할 걸 그랬어요ㅜㅠ 혹시 이 체험 하시는 분들은 뒤에 일정 안 하고 애니멀팜 더 오래해도 되냐고 여쭤보세요. 우리만 20분이었던 듯 ㅠㅠ 그리고 마을로 가서 사람들 픽업하고 퀸스타운으로 갑니다. 뚜벅이들에게는 좋은 여행 투어. 차 있으신 분들은 무조건 차 끌고 가셔요. 그리오 8시 투어가 더 좋은 거 같아요ㅠㅠ