Embark on an incredible parasailing experience, climbing to a tremendous height of 1300ft over the stunning Bay of Islands!
Parasail over the paradise that is the Bay of Islands, taking in the amazing scenic views, crystal clear waters and beautiful islands that make up the Bay!
Your flight takes off gently in a custom-designed parasailing boat, taking you up to an astonishing 1300ft! Share in the adventure and fly with your friends and family, with options including solo flights and tandem options for up to 3x people.
Enjoy an optional dip in the water during the summertime, just let the skipper know before your flight!
After experiencing the thrill of New Zealand’s highest parasail, you’ll be gently returned to the boat, with Flying Kiwi Parasail having a perfect safety record and over 20 years of parasailing experience!
Remember this amazing experience with a great GoPro video package available for purchase upon checkout.
Enjoy this incredible parasailing experience over the amazing waters of the Bay of Islands!
All prices are shown in NZD ($)
Thank you for your review and rating. Cheerio's Julia
Es war ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis, leider nur 10 Minuten aber die waren unglaublich schön!!!
I don't read German but by the looks of your rating it seems you had a fabulous time. Cheerio's Julia
Das Team rund um das Para Sailing war freundlich und gut ausgebildet.
I’ve done parasailing before but this was by far the best - entirely down to the fact that they use 400m of line which gives a pretty unique experience
What a cool buzz my girls really enjoyed their experience and it was a treat watching them from the boat. Lovely crew great experience.
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Fili from Germany wrote on 12 May 2019
Einfach unglaublich!
1.Sehr nettes und lustiges Personal. 2. Ein unglaublich schöner Ausblick, man kann über so viele Inseln schauen 3.War auf jeden Fall das Geld wert 4. Man kann seine eigenen Kameras mitbringen oder für Aufpreis gefilmt werden 5. Ich würde es sofort noch mal machen 6. Man hat die Möglichkeit gegen Ende des Fluges seine Beine im Wasser baumeln zu lassen oder komplett nass zu werden ( sehr lustig)