Experience Bream Bay and Waipu beaches from horseback for Waipu Horse Adventures - there’s nothing quite like it!
Take an idyllic trek along Northland’s unspoilt coastline with Waipu Horse Adventures!
The Waipu area offers beautiful coastal and rural scenery, with popular and well established trails. The 1.5hr Hour trek takes you along Waipu beach, then through to Uretiti Beach via the trails.
This is a safe and intimate trek with groups of up to 5 people, accompanied by a friendly and experienced guide. All levels of horse experience are catered for and riders are asked to give consideration to group members with less ability.
This trek was simply magic. The guides were friendly, knowledgeable and helpful. We had a group of 8, 3 adults and 5kids, and we all thoroughly enjoyed it. The weather was stunning and the views simply breathtaking. I'd highly recommend this trek for an unforgettable experience ❤️
Our family had an amazing horse trekking adventure. This was the first time our boys (12 & 9) have been horse riding, and they both handled it easily like a boss. The highlight of the trek was riding along Uretiti beach... a magical place. Thanks to Briar and Natalia who guided us expertly.
For our first trip it was quite desappointing because apparently the track horse they are using atm is a new track so the way was partially bocked with thorny plants what made the horses quite scared. My partner's horse jump (and apparently the inspector didnt know that horse could jump) when saw this thorny plants then my partner fell to the ground. My partner didnt hurt herself badly but could be bad. So was a new track, with thorny plants in the way, with scared horses with me and my partner who never ride horses before. The inspector was attentive and said they would change the track next time. Maybe was just unlucky but could and real bad. The beginning the track there are couple stell posts fence that could be dangers too if some beginer fall there too. So, ride was good but I think there are some safety things that could be improved.
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Natascha Melsen from Germany wrote on 14 July 2020
Ich habe erwartet, dass max. 5 leute in der Gruppe sind, und dass die Guides sich bemühen den Ausritt so zu gestalten dass die erfahrenen Reiter auch etwas schneller reitwn dürfen. Was ich bekommen habe war ein absolut langweiliger ausritt mit 13 menschen, alle in einer scjlange hintereinander. Alle außer mir waren komplette Anfänger, die angewiesen wurden, die Pferde in die Nieren zu treten und an den Zügeln zu ziehen wenn die Pferde stehen blieben, außerdem wedelten 2 von den Guides (die vielleicht 15/16 jahre alt waren) mit Peitschen hinter den Pferden herum, was echt gefährlich ist. Einfach nur schrecklich. Am Strand waren wir vielleicht 5minuten und durften die reihe nicht verlassen. Ich habe versucht mit der Besitzerin des Unternehmens Kontakt aufzunehmen doch sie weigerte sich mir zu erklären wie es für mich zu dieser schrecklichen Erfahrung kommen konnte. Dieses Unternehmen ist nur für absolute Anfänger zu empfehlen die einen sehr sehr langsamen ausritt mit 10 anderen wollen.