Discover the fascinating Waitomo Glowworm Caves and Rotorua geothermal activity, plus learn about Māori culture and enjoy a New Zealand farming experience on a luxury return day tour from Auckland City...
Venture out on a Waitomo and Rotorua day trip and discover two of the best attractions in New Zealand for nature lovers; the fascinating Waitomo Glowworm Caves and famous Rotorua geothermal activity. Plus, learn about Māori culture in New Zealand and enjoy a New Zealand farming experience.
We set off for your New Zealand escorted coach tour in the morning, leaving Auckland city behind and winding our way through the rolling hills of the Waikato region en route to our first stop, Waitomo Glowworm Caves.
You'll experience the magic of Waitomo Glowworm Caves with a 45-minute tour, featuring unusual limestone cave formations and concluding with a Waitomo Caves boat tour into the unforgettable Glowworm Grotto.
The adventure continues at Rotorua; starting with a visit to the Agrodome for an authentic New Zealand farm experience. You’ll have the opportunity to get up close and personal with some of New Zealand’s most famous farm animals and learn about farming life in New Zealand.
After an awe-inspiring day, your Waitomo and Rotorua day trip will finish with an experience of Rotorua geothermal activity at Whakarewarewa Thermal Valley. See the most famous of the Rotorua geysers, the Pohutu geyser, as it shoots steam high into the air, along with bubbling mud pools and hissing fumaroles.
Learn about traditional arts and crafts at the Māori Arts and Crafts Institute before we depart for Auckland, arriving back in the evening after a day jam-packed with New Zealand natural wonders and cultural insights.
사정상 오클랜드에서 머물면서 로토루아를 다녀와야해서 렌트를 해야 하나 패키지를 이용해야 하나 고민 끝에 이 투어를 예약했다! 과연 얼마나 할 수 있을까 의문이 없지 않아 있었는데... 와우! 우리가 로토루아에 있을 때 이 투어에 있는 곳을 일부러 다니지 않았었는데... 이 투어가 제 몫을 톡톡히 해주었다! 이 투어는 오클랜드에서 로토루아를 다녀와야 하는 사람에게는 정말 최적의 선택이다! 아침 간식, 점심 식사, 저녁 간식.. 물... 각종 입장료, 버스 기사 겸 투어 가이드 Keaney(?) 아저씨의 해설까지... 이 돈으로 남는 게 있나 싶을 정도로 알찼다! 와이토모 동굴에서 했던 신비한 경험, 아그로돔 양 목장에서 했던 체험, 테푸이아에서 봤던 원주민 콘서트, 와카레와레와에서 봤던 간헐천 등은 이 투어만이 할 수 있는 알차고 짜임새 있는 일정일 것이다!
Kia ora Joanne, Yes, our day tour to Rotorua via Waitomo Caves is a great way to get to Rotorua and includes some awesome sightseeing at iconic attractions. Thank you for sharing. All the best for your future travels, Esther and the team at GreatSights
짧은 시간안에 세곳을 들리다 보니 하루 종일 버스를 탑니다. 물론 와이토모 동굴과 로토루아 지열 마을은 멋진 경험이였지만,, 아그로돔 농장은 그다지,,,
Kia ora, I'm sorry to hear Agrodome didn't meet your expectations, but I'm glad that you enjoyed the rest of your day tour with us. All the best for your future travels, Esther and the team at Gray Line and GreatSights
Great scenery...
Well organized tour. Tony, the bus driver, was an excellent driver and very informative of history and sights along the way. The glow worms are not to be missed. And the geysers were amazing!
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jihyeons from South Korea wrote on 25 December 2019
좋아요 좋아요!
드라이버 아저씨가 장시간 운전하시느라 피곤하실 텐데도, 설명도 잘 해 주시고 친절하게 잘 챙겨주셔서 감사했습니다! 처음에 투어를 선택하느라 고민했는데 만족스러운 투어였어요! 물도 음식 나눠줄때마다 주고, 배고프지 않게 간식도 챙겨주셨어요! 함께간 친구도 정말 만족스러워 했습니다.!! Best tour in Auckland. The driver is very friendly and kind. He is best driver and guide. Thanks to him, we could make good memories in Aucklnd. Every person should do this tour in Auckland.