Explore & discover the incredible wildlife at Auckland Zoo!
For a fun, educational and endlessly surprising day out, nothing beats Auckland Zoo.
In fact, seeing amazing animals is just the beginning! Prepare to explore more than 17 hectares of naturally inspired and award-winning habitats. You’ll come face-to-face with over 135 species including some of the world’s rarest animals both here in Aotearoa, and around the world.
Auckland Zoo is the perfect place to visit with your whanau to connect with nature, and to learn more about what you can do to help our planet’s unique species.
A not-for-profit wildlife conservation organisation, all proceeds to Auckland Zoo goes towards their mission to build a brighter future for wildlife.
Der Auckland Zoo ist ein ordentlicher Zoo mit vielen Tieren aus Neuseeland und Australien aber auch den üblichen Klassikern (Löwen, Tieger, Zebras, Giraffen und Nashörnern). Für uns war vor allem das Kiwi haus interressant, da wir leider keinen Kiwi in der Wildnis sehen konnten. Der Eintrit mit Gutschein in den Zoo war auch nur 4 Dollar teurer als der Eintritt in ein durchschnittliches Kiwi Haus welches nur aus einem Einzigen Kiwi gehege besteht. Der Zoo ist also definitv sein Geld wert.
Super Zoo- schön gestaltet. Und wir haben - endlich- Kiwis gesehen! :-)
Not our first visit to the zoo but definitely our first visit since the Covid outbreak. I was so impressed with the way the premises were maintained. The bathrooms were extremely clean and well sanitised. No entry to the zoo without a booking, crowds were controlled so it was not crowded. Overall an extremely pleasant experience.
Hardly saw any animals. Was basically a walk around a park to view alot of construction, bushes, trees, streams, other visitors, alot of zoo keepers walking about and very few animals.
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Kerry Obermeier from Germany wrote on 03 September 2016
Very nice zoo
We had a great time at auckland zoo. :) definitely recommend it