Enjoy a panoramic flight with stunning views as you climb to 16,500ft over snow-capped mountains, golden beaches and turquoise oceans then...JUMP!
Choose to skydive in New Zealand's sunshine capital.
A professional and passionate team awaits you here.
Enjoy a scenic flight with views of both the North and South islands as we climb to 16,5000 feet, then leap out of the plane for the thrill of your life free falling at 200 kilometres per hour for 65 seconds before the parachute is deployed and you can enjoy the beautiful views as you glide safely back to earth.
If you are on a timeline this is the Skydive location for you. Some of the finest weather in the country, utterly breathtaking scenery and the friendliest most professional team.
Duration: 2-3 hrs for the Skydive experience.
Location: Motueka Airport (55 mins. From Nelson).
Extras available for purchase:
Camera Flyer HD Video
Handycam Video and Photos
Combo - Handycam + Camera Flyer
All prices are shown in NZD ($)
跳伞那天天气特别好 因为事先朋友们都分享过自己的跳伞经验所以一点也不害怕 自由落体时间很短 打开小伞的时候感觉风特别大 有人说这时是最像在飞的样子 我最喜欢大伞打开之后 脚下是塔斯曼海 是Motueka 远处是Nelson 世界好像都静止了 唯一要做的就是安安静静的欣赏你所能看到的一切 苹果园奇异果园整齐划一方方正正的排列着 吃草的羊儿就像米粒那么大小 海水由碧绿到深蓝由浅到深 教练非常专业 从飞机起飞到落地都一直保持和我沟通确保我是清醒的 还有在bookme上提前预定价格优惠不少 因为没有车 特别要感谢司机师傅接送我一个人往返Nelson到Motueka 唯一需要改进的是前台接待女生的服务态度吧 说真的在新西兰真是很少见到像她一样没什么耐心也不笑也不热情的接待员了 但这不是重点 总之我的跳伞梦完成啦 !!! 一生之中至少要体验一次跳伞啊啊!
用言語無法形容的美好!! 即使跳完的隔天也還是一樣興奮 Really incredible
The best decision of my trip was to do the SkyDrive in Abel Tasman i/o Queenstown. The flight above Abel Tasman was amazing and the instructors were very kind and professionals! Highly recommanded
The staff was so professional and entertaining. They made everyone feel safe. My family and I loved every minute of it. We look forward to doing it again.
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Sephyr from China wrote on 29 January 2017